Thursday, 10 March 2011

How to Loose Weight ?

Weight loss is a concern for many, as obesity and overweight rate is rising all over the world; even kids are not spared…
It is a part and parcel of the our modern lifestyle with less physical activity, more indoor time, our eating habits of eating more processed food and increase stress in life to cope up with society.
But as obesity is growing, we are becoming aware of factors that are responsible for it and trying to find ways to eliminate these side effects of modernization.
The truth is we can’t go back in to Stone Age or hunter-gatherer period…we have to find solutions in today’s life style.
Let’s understand the contributing factors for health. These include;
Our diet-food we eat
Activity we do
Rest we get
So to loose weight we have to consider how to improve on these to regain normal weight and be healthy.

Food we eat…

Know the basics-healthy and not so healthy foods.
Opt for healthy- whole grain, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat, fish and low fat dairy are all good; they provide us energy and all essential nutrients.
Not so healthy foods include- highly processed bakery goods made with white floor, sugar and excessive salt. Deep fried foods and red meat are not so healthy as these are full of saturated fat and Trans fats.
Eat your breakfast everyday to boost up your energy for whole day. Combine fruit, cereal and milk for quick healthy breakfast.
Eat when you are hungry.
Take 4-5 small meals instead of 3 big meals this will eliminate hunger pangs and reaching for sugary foods when you feel low in sugar. As eating at regular short intervals will keep your sugar levels in balance.
Snacking is good just opt for healthy snacks as fruits and nuts. Avoid packed snacks-these contain most of not so healthy food as excess sugar, salt, Trans fats and preservatives.
Choose water as your health drink… it transfer the nutrition to every cell of our body, removes toxins and improve functions of the body
Avoid soft drinks and packed energy drinks; these contain lots of sugar and empty calories .i.e. calories without nutrition.
Go grocery shopping when your stomach is full, this way you won’t tempted to buy junk food
Go grocery shopping with the list buy only those items which are there on the list.
Be active after eating …
Keep a watch on what you eat… count the calories!

Activity we do…

Opt for exercise program suitable and enjoyable by you…exercise for at least 30 min 5 days a week .Do warm-up and stretching before and after exercise.
Simple steps to Increase activity: choose steps instead of elevators go window shopping, park your car at far away end of parking lot, play with your kids, and go biking with kids.
Take a before photo and after photo when you follow any exercise program.
Reward yourself for achieving your goal of successful weight loss.
Add varieties of activities in your daily routine, doing everyday chores won’t be boring if you consider them as your weight loss tool.

Rest we take…

Getting good night sleep is equally important as diet and exercise; it is one of the major stress reliever
Most adult need 8-10 hour of sleep; make it happen and feel the difference when you get good sleep; you will have more positive approach towards day to day problems and worries.
Opt for some creative activity like painting, singing, dancing to freshen you up.
Take some time off for yourself to introspect or meditate, think about your dream coming true, visualized health and happiness for your family.
Balance of good nutrition, physical activity and proper rest will help you in your weight loss goal.

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